Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Seminar at ITRI, Taiwan

Wafer Level 3-D Integration技術研討會
前 言:
為了滿足消費者對電子產品輕薄短小、高效能與多功能的需求,IC構裝已朝三度空間(3 Dimension)之技術發展,而以晶圓級製程(Wafer Level Processing)為基礎的3D整合技術更是日益重要。工研院『先進微系統與構裝技術聯盟;AMPA』有鑑於此,特別邀請新加坡南洋技術大學之Dr. Chuan Seng Tan於2月26日來台,針對晶圓級3D技術平台、製程與應用作詳細報導,內容深入淺出,歡迎從事系統組裝(SMT)、電路板、IC構裝、光電等產業或對此課程有興趣者報名參加!
時 間:97年2月26日(星期2)9:00至11:30
地 點:工研院9館010會議室 (新竹縣竹東鎮中興路四段195號,電話︰03-5918062)
講 師: Dr. Chuan Seng Tan, Research Fellow, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
• Dr. Tan received his B.Eng. degree in electrical engineering from University of Malaya, Malaysia, in 1999. Subsequently, he completed his M.Eng. degree in advanced materials from the National University of Singapore under the Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA) program in 2001.
• In the fall of 2001, he began his doctoral work at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA, and was awarded a Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering in 2006.
• Currently he is a research fellow in Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, under the support of the Lee Kuan Yew Postdoctoral Fellowship.
• He is working on process technology of three-dimensional integrated circuits (3-D ICs). He co-edited a book entitled “Wafer Level 3-D ICs Process Technology,” scheduled to be published by Springer in June 2008.

費 用:一般學員每人新台幣1,000元,微機電產業發展聯盟會員每人新台幣500元
報 名:請填妥報名表先傳真至報名處,費用請以下列方式支付。
‧付款方式:電匯/即期支票/匯票 抬頭:工業技術研究院(統編:02750963)
郵寄地址:新竹縣竹東鎮中興路四段195-4號11館334室 周惠珍 收
‧ 報名確認:將於會前傳真上課通知確認,發票現場發給。報名後不克參加者,請務必於會議前一日告知;未告知者,視同參加。
‧ 報 名 處:工研院電光所 周惠珍小姐 聯絡電話:03-5918062、傳真:03-5820221

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