Sunday, August 26, 2007

A full day

It was full moon, I puja-ed in the morning before heading to office. I was waken up by a rather rowdy bargain (I think a stronger word, dispute, might be more appropriate here) between a couple and a cab driver in the backside car park as early as 6:45AM (ok, maybe this is quite late for some). They disputed over the taxi fare... nasty worlds came out and no one was happy - what a way to begin your day.

Two meetings. Finally we set in the new lab charging scheme, looked like most potential users were fine with that. Met vendor X, I was checking out their ALD tool. I don't think they have what we need - as I told the vendor, I needed something like a 737, not A380. But he said he could explore at this end. I am not optimistic, I already know we are going for vendor Y.

Submitted NAP application. I hand carried to the Provost' Office. Well, it does not look as grand as MIT's, but hey you could feel the majestic energy!

I gymed for a bit after a week long break. Instead of gyming, I swam yesterday and Vino commented that I looked roasted today. There was this guy trying to get me off the weight station. I didnot care too much, I told him I had two more sets to go. He made this rather disturning grunting sounds - hey man, was it really that heavy?? I was disgusted.

I did not go to Sheng Siong as intended - Four 199 buses passed by and they were loaded and the drivers did not stop. Canteen 2 came to rescue.

Anantha is trying to connect me back to TSMC on opportunity to collaborate on Cu bondign project. It is real or just my wishful thinking? In any case, I will grap any opportunity I can find at this stage.

(Monday, August 27, 10:31PM) And why am I not sleeping yet??

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