Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Happy Birthday, Pei En

I was at home from Aug 31-Sept 2. Pei En celebrated her 7th birthday on Aug 31 (Friday). Yes, she is the Merdeka girl in the family and 3rd Bro missed it by one day. She demanded Barbie Girl many months ago and I kept my promise. We bought her a cake and there the party began. I think she was happy and had fun. She has grown up from a shy and timid girl to a rather talkative and active girl. I am sure she is the joy of the family for the most part. I am eager to watch her growing up. Happy Birthday again, PE!

So we finally decided to buy a house in Taman Mahsuri - a semi-D at 135K. Everyone seems to like the location and house. Hopefully we can get loan from bank, I do not mind a higher down payment. Will see. This will be a family house, so it is important to make sure things are in order.

On my way back Sun evening to Sg, bus 52 did not come in time so 2nd Bro drove me to BW to make sure that I catch the bus. We did it, but bus broke down in Yong Peng and I got back to NTU at 10:30AM on Monday.

Working from home today, got the CRP proposal draft ready and sent to Wei Jun. I think it needs more massage and the next few days will be just for this on top of NRF Fellowship proposal. I have been writing way too many proposals now and am a bit jagged :( Sent 1st Bro some cash to help him over this difficult time.

IMEC folks sent in their chapter, so I sighed a relief. Hopefully the remaining chapters will arrive without much unexpected hurdles. Praying hard. I think this is my first and last book editing, the amount of effort just does not worth it.

Tuesday, Sept 4, 10PM

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